John Mason, Staging Lane: A great image; by far the best one this week. The light, the silhouettes, the smoke. And normally I´m certainly no fan of drag racing.... ;-)
Don Roberts, Sure and Certain Hope: Afraid it doesn´t work for me as an image. The subject + title bears a strong, archetypal emotional message which the image only re-states witout really adding anything.
Dan Mitchell, Lynn Ferry: I must confess I´ve already seen some reviews, and, yes, it IS "just a snapshot" to me as well. If only the people on the stairs hadn´t been so clumped together, and if only..... and only...
Peeter Vissak, 6 o´clock drink: One of the goodies this week. The light (our "nordic light" at its best...), and, above all, the complex forms of water, repeated in the ripples caused by the dog.
Pini Vollach, Farm: No, it doesn´t look like real, narrow DOF to me either, but never mind. The composition is quite sophisticated, with the ladder emerging from the center of the saw, and the bright pallet conterbalancing the saw blade.
WRGill, Yosemite moon: First, WR seems to have a good grasp of astronomy and the laws of light. Seeing a moon like that, slightly past full, means that you have the sun behind you, and somewhat to the left, exactly as in this composite. Only, with the sun still so high in the sky, a real moon would be much paler. The colours are another thing; they do look artificial, especially the (coniferous?) forest.
C J R Strevens, Street: I know, I´ve been mean to C J R before, but I still don´t like those "instant artistry" filters. The subject and composition look like they would work well without "enhancements".
Jim Davis, Backlight on White Bird: Lovely. Japanese mood.
Bob Talbot, Flamingo: A striking image, perfectly executed. Looking at individual feathers, it is obvious that the image is mirrored, so the catchlight in one eye must be "fixed" afterwards. However, technical details are unimportant; the image works, and works well.
Andrew Davidhazy, : Now, the mid-sixties was when I started in photography, only I wasn´t that good at it (nor did I have such models...). A nostalgic trip, and a very, very good photograph!
Per Öfverbeck