PF Exhibits on 03-20-04 The PhotoForum members' gallery/exhibit space was updated 20 Mar. 04. Authors with work now on display at include: Jim Davis - Caught Napping A lovely nature shot, in focus, and the "face" is visible. Alberto Tirado - The flag of the poor That is quite a commentary. Do you mean there are POOR people in the US? Why? In the greatest Nation on Earth? Should be illegal! John Palcewski - Maria II I would have liked to see the rest of her. And the face is not visible. Greg Fraser - From a Bridge Doesn't make much sense to me, I suppose the main object is a snow covered car. You have WINTER in America? Don Roberts - Fading Glory Don't like to be reminded. I doubt If I will have a stone... No room in the cemetry and it costs money! Bob Talbot - Stony Cove Yes - looks like a fresh water lake.... jIMMY Harris - POLES I suppose the horse and rider was weaving through the poles as on a trial. This is not shown in the shot. Shows the country life. Christopher Strevens - Silver Sea My creation. An attempt quite early after my purchase of Bryce. Quite a nice package but it has its limitations. Jeff Spirer - Kerchief Looks as if she has to remember something and has tied a knot in it.... Quite an interesting shot. Achal Pashine - Building in Denver, CO That's interesting! I've seen plenty of images featuring skyscrapers but few of them show the street level environment. For example: Are the shops in Denver at the base of the skyscrapers along the street (as in London) or are the shopping malls actually inside the skyscrapers? Sorry to show my ignorance! Chris.