---Original message/Ðñùôüôõðï ìÞíõìá--- From/Áðü: "John Mason" profmason@xxxxxxxxx Date/Çìåñ: 12-Öåâ-2004, 7:31 ìì Subject/ÈÝìá: Re: Road trip >Bobby, proceed directly to Jim Neely's Interstate >Bar-B-Que, 2265 S. 3rd St., Memphis, TN. Right off >the freeway; easy to find. I've driven 400 miles out >of my way just to eat those ribs. I'm not kidding. > ><http://www.jimneelysinterstatebarbecue.com/> > ><http://www.cnn.com/TRAVEL/PURSUITS/FOOD/9910/barbecue.ap/> > JOHN I HATE YOU last night i attended a failed traditional "first day of the carnival" baked meat dinner, and now this? to a pork ribbs fan? don't you feel sorry for my mother that will have to compensate me BBQ me some? MERCY kostas _____________________________________________________________________________________ http://www.mailbox.gr ÁðïêôÞóôå äùñåÜí ôï ìïíáäéêü óáò e-mail. http://www.thesuperweb.gr Website ìå ÁóöáëÝò Controlpanel áðü 6 Euro êáé äþñï ôï domain óáò!