this question has been troulig me for some time now, so... 2 years ago, i was doing a concert shoot at a cramded bar somewhere in Athens...we, the 2-3 amateurs were practically touching the band and from a point on we had to kneel to the floor at get another perspective... then the guy next to me does something funny with his pro size SLR... lowers the camera at floor height, does some adjustments and from what i could tell uncovers/retracts a mirror or a scren from beneath the viewer, then he proceeds to photograph that way. Now i do not think he removed the pentaprism, cos the roundness was there nad i distoctly remeber something else too... just under the viewer, and exactly beneath were the miror? in question would be placed there were 2 greenish light stips, about 1/6 of an inch high, and taking the whole length of the camera pentaprism, with the right one getting more than half of teh combioned length. I also remeber there was light coming from a screen at the back, so his probably excloudes a DSLR. now this seems still strange to me, but i was on no drugs to clutter my eyesight that much as to see things that weren't there... did i? ============================================================ so... no matter what, CHEER UP MY FRIENDS! Life is too precious to jump the other side of the fence... kostas papakotas / clenched teeth photography _____________________________________________________________________________________ ÁðïêôÞóôå äùñåÜí ôï ìïíáäéêü óáò e-mail. Website ìå ÁóöáëÝò Controlpanel áðü 6 Euro êáé äþñï ôï domain óáò!