If Image 42 is still somewhere on your hard drive despite deletion, try opening it again with PS or with other software, then re-saving. If it's gone forever, you can 'boot-strap' by interpolating up from the JPEG and re-saving as a TIFF, or re-take it. Maris Chris wrote: > I took 50 images of paintings yesterday afternoon using a tripod, > natural light through a roof window and my Olympus E20p. > > The resultant TIFF files were fine and they converted to much small > jpeg files for my clients web page fine, but when I tried to use Nero > to save the TIFF files to cd my computer crashed each time of the > four times I tried. > > The computer finally executed a boot-up sequence that discovered and > deleted a lost file and a corrupt index so it deleted image 42 and > recovered. > > I do not know why this is happening and the deleted image file > previously converted to a jpeg file previously so was not originally > corrupt. > > My client has the jpeg files but to complete the deal I need to > deliver the much larger TIFF files (I can take number 42 again quite > easily) > > So how do I get Nero to save to CD? The 50 files fit on to two CD's > being 15MB each. The first 25 have been saved to CD. > > Chris. > http://www.chrisspages.co.uk --- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free by AVG Anti-Virus System Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com). Version: 6.0.564 / Virus Database: 356 - Release Date: 1/19/2004