Hi Achal, My definition is quite simple. A professional photographer is someone that creates income by making photographs. I have seen various attempts to define by number of images shot or years of experienceor level of income. They all fail in my opinion. Once you sell an image you are a pro. It really makes no diff if your work for your high school portrait company or NG or SI. I am sure others will add or have other criteria to come up with their idea of pro, mine is simple. Les Baldwin > I am optimistic about the coming year, but I will not help non pros > take gigs no matter how small. > Les, thanks for your observations about SF bay area situation. May I add that, lately, I have seen good demand for fine art prints (I have no experience with Ad stuff). Finally, what is your definition of a pro (since you also work a second job like me) since you look quite determined to defend your market from non-pros. :-) regards, Achal