Any overexposure will yield "white"contact prints.........WHAT DO THE NEGS LOOK LIKE ? Can you see ANY image ?
Time is on your side in the darkroom......Don't be afraid of Long Enlarger Exposures......
Using your favorite paper and developer I recommend f/5.6 @ "a cup of coffee and a cigarette"..............
If you can "see" it you can print it.............doug
Pablo Coronel <> wrote:
Hi all,
this is dumb thing but it happened.....
This Xmas, after my wife and I had lunch (and a few glasses of wine) I ran
out of color film, so I stuck a roll of Ilford HP5 in my camera and
starting shooting away.
Due to the wine effects some of my shots came over exposed... 2 to 3 EVs
(guesstimate) and they look almost as white squares in the contact print.
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