thus it was written: Please cool it as they would say in the 60's if y'all remember that far back. C'mon! lighten up! arrrrrggggghhhhhh, andy You are quite right in this assesment Andy. When my character is impugned and my motives misunderstood and misrepresented, I have a tendency to respond in kind. This is a character defect which I shall endeavour to work on and for which I profoundly appologize. In the spirit of the Season and since I do not have a Christmas photo to post, I offer a poem I wrote this morning for my grandchildren partly inspired by the fact that it's snowing here in Chicago and partly inspired by Emily's snowbound creche picture. The Snowflake Millenia ago A Snowflake was born It had long ceased to grow And from its parent cloud it was shorn It drifted towards Earth Taking its time Towards another Birth Meaningful and Sublime It landed softly and squarely On the newborn Babe?s tongue Causing His first laugh so merrily Like Angel?s bells that had rung Thus a Father?s gift To his Only Son His little Heart to lift And our Salvation had begun Wishing all a Peaceful and Joyous Holiday Jim Baja Oregon