Nikon D100 and Speedlight SB-50DX

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Hi all, I recently bought a Nikon D100 and decided to experiment with it and my SB-50DX speedlight. It seems to not be performing exactly right. Here's what's happening: If the built-in flash is down, then the SB-50 will function properly in D-TTL 3D Multi-Sensor metering at all angles (whether the flash head is pointing straight ahead or all the way up). However, with the built-in flash activated, the SB-50 will not fire AT ALL in the D-TTL... mode. But, if I put the SB-50 in Manual mode, it WILL fire when the flash head is tilted up (50 or 75 on the flash head) but won't if it's straight ahead.

I use this flash with my Nikon N80 and don't remember ever having this problem, so just to make sure I tested it with the N80 and it worked no matter how I set it up. I've read both the SB-50 manual and the D100 manual and unless I've simply overlooked it or I'm just having a problem with comprehension I don't see anything mentioning or explaining this.

Does this situation make sense as to why it would happen? Is anyone else using this combination of camera and flash and experiencing this? I've tried just about every thing I can think of trying different combinations of settings and no matter, if the built-in flash is up, the SB-50 just won't fire if it's in D-TTL mode and in Manual mode it won't fire unless it's tilted up.

Thanks for your help!


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