Olá Judy Ng! Thank you for your opinion! Programming the site was quite easy,but designing it took me a lot of hours and coffe. In my mac i probably have a 20 different versions of the site (to simple,to fashion,to heavy,to kitch...). Well, it´s difficult to take photos when people don´t want to be photographed,and it´s also difficult when people want to be photographed.When it happens i give up and wait a few moments. It´s important carring only the indespensable gear.I feel less resistence when i use only a slr camera and small lens(always a 50mm), so i can be very close of the event (for me that means better pictures).People don´t see me as a professional photographer (where is the high-tec camera and the big lens?), just as a curious guy and in a few minutes and photos later they will begin being themselves. regards Rui Noronha www.rnphotography.com _______________________________________________ Join Excite! - http://www.excite.com The most personalized portal on the Web!