wildimages@lineone.net wrote/replied to: >When I think of the logistical exercise of Christmas "in my young day" against >that which many modern couples follow there is no comparison. Yougsters >are as likely to take "Christmas lunch" in the local pub - and not even >bother with the turkey because they prefer curry. Bob, I think many young people want to avoid the same pitfalls of their parents. I always remember my Mom spending the entire Xmas day preparing and serving turkey and special foods. Not to mention the cleanup never ended. Add on a trip to the combini for an extra roll of aluminum foil, a trip for more cranberry jelly, and entertaining all those relative or guests, and a trip to the pub to get some turkey starts sounding good. I for one, like to keep this time of year simple and enjoyable. That might include a day of cooking, or it might not. I love going out for turkey and coming home to a clean kitchen :-) Jim Davis - checkout the Motorcycle Headlight Relay Kit at: http://jimdavis.oberro.com/html/bike_acc_.html