> <<< what I said was there are some who have > gone beyond just the merits of a photo and imposed their value system > on their interpretion of the image and on the photographer as > well.......and by so doing reaffirmed their own sense of self > worth.......>>> <<Sorry Jimmy, you might think this is closed but I demand an apology on behalf of all the reviewers you didn't mean to include in your insult. As you have left it it could well apply to them all.>> Well, looks like no apology will be forthcoming. Would Jimmy be compromising his own "sense of self worth" by saying sorry? It makes me wonder. Even if not sorry, at least have the guts to name names. Anyway: by the look of it the new PF gallery is up for anyone who is interested. http://www.rit.edu/~andpph/gallery.html I'd thought of doing another detailed review but I'm, err, a bit too self-concious now. Mmmm, now do I mean "Wow" or is that "imposing my value system on my interpretion of the image and on the photographer ". That's a b*gger really: I don't know what my value sysem is. Anyway, I think I've at least realised my self-worth right now: My times too valuable to waste ;o) Adios