Re: Masochistic tungsten freaks

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On Thursday, November 13, 2003, at 09:47 AM, Gregory Fraser wrote:

I originally looked into hot lights since I cannot afford even one really good strobe but I wasn't aware of the short lifespan of bulbs. At $15 or more a pop for bulbs the price difference shrinks quite rapidly. I know this is just operating cost for a pro but there's also the heat to deal with so I'm wondering what is the advantage to shooting under tungsten or is it just masochism?


Maybe just a little of both Greg. I've sizzle a finger now and then on my lights.
The advantage is you see the lighting you are actually going to get. Strobes are
nice and I use them a lot too, but even with the modeling lights it is difficult to tell
what the final results are going to be. When those tubes go off there is a lot of light
bouncing around that fills in areas that you generally can't see with the modeling lights.


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