From: <> > my 1280 prints 13 inches wide, I thooght that ewas the standard
Just a quick point, when we all subscribe to PF the rules state that we are not to post in html - .. your message ( a single line) was 3k in size - not the worst size by any definition but nonetheless 3 times larger than it could have been in plain text.
My spiel chucker rejects posts from <> with remark:
X-Note: This E-mail was scanned by Declude JunkMail ( for spam. X-Spam-Tests-Failed: IPNOTINMX, NOLEGITCONTENT [0] X-RCPT-TO: <>
I'm not sure just what that means. I did dig one of those posts out and opened it and the font was really ugly so maybe Declude is offended esthetically.
Dave East Englewood -------------------------- Objects in the mirror are closer than they appear.