I've posted 2 shots from my first location portrait shoot at http://users.imag.net/~lon2251/temp/. I did the shoot in her house. I had never been there and I was hoping to use the walls and ceiling as reflectors. She told me the ceiling was white and the walls beige. I interpreted 'beige' to be 'off white' but it turned out to be more like coffee with 2% milk in it. A sort of medium gray and useless for my purposes. I did have a sheet with me which I draped over her entertainment center which was to her right. I bounced a strobe off the sheet. Problem 1: The resulting angle of the light striking her face was with relation to the camera was around 60-70 degrees. Not a flattering angle. To her left was a large window. Problem 2: Now I'm well aware that the temperature of sunlight changes all day long but for some reason I ignored that and assumed it would match my flash since you use daylight film for flash and daylight. Please feel free to add to the problem list. Greg