> So now I'm wondering how to get rid of that in Photoshop. Do I select a large area of skin like an entire cheek and perform a gaussian blur? Should I work in small patches or as large as I can get? Is blurring not the way to go at all? boo! did I scare you Greg? you might make a new layer and apply the gauzian blur to that then with the appropriately feathered erase tool, reveal the underlying sharp bits where you want them. this is a damnd site easier than selecting areas to blur.. :-) BTW, this was a conversation overheard the other day at college: student: "the 127mm lens has shit it's self" (Mamiya) lecturer "how do you know?" student "it's just fucked" lecturer "in what way is it fucked ?" student "the fckn thing was working and then it just shit it's self and fucked up, now everythings crap and I can't be fucked reshooting .." lecturer "ah, see here - you fucked up when you set the lens to 'M' insted of 'X'.. student "Oh crap, well that's fucked - what asshole set it to M? lecturer"probably the last dickhead who used the lens" student"well that's fucked.." lecturer "shit happens.. anyway, looking at your lighting you fucked it anyway - " I love the Australian language :-) k