Hi Emily, That is likely to change depending upon the PS version you have and the OS version you have. I'm working with Mac OS X 10.1.5 (but with a new Mace you are likely to have 10.2) and with PS7 (which takes the new OS X in account). My plugins are stored in : (Drivername)/Applications/Adobe Photoshop 7/Plug-ins/ There are different categories of plug-ins in PS 7 which are then saved accordingly in different subfolders there, namely : Photoshop Only, Imagre Ready only, Import-Export and others. I know version 6 has another location on Mac OS9, but I don't know where they would go on Mac OS X Since I never installed PS6 in OS X. In PS7, if that's the version you have, there is a possibility to add another custom folder of plug-ins; you put the path in the preferences tab concerning scratch files and plugins. Not sure it will be of much help to you.. If not, why not just make a search for the plug-ins folder using Sherlock ? Even if you don't have any plug-ins installed yet, the folder should have been created. If you have an older "Classic" version of Photoshop, you should look in the folder : (Drivername)/Applications Mac OS 9/ your photoshop folder.. Le 17.9.2003 7:14, « Emily L. Ferguson » <elf@cape.com> a écrit : > Well, this new Mac is nice and fast, compared to the old one. But > I'm having no end of trouble moving my PS actions from the old Mac to > the New. > > anybody encountered this problem? Anybody had the opportunity to > figure out just which preferences file they're stored in? > > (darn, I don't want to record them all again) -- Christiane