<<Oh yes. For the reason that it would inspire philosophical discussions such as these. >>> Ain't that the truth ... <<< That's right, we each see and have our own truth. Whether illusion, fantasy, or an outright lie, to each of us, the truth is what we believe it to be. >>> Is that any different from Karl's (?) assertion that there is no single absolute truth? On Topic (hence photography) when you show a picture from your digital camera ... is it a photo as such? Over two-thirds of the data is pure fiction ... <<<Is there anything more important to you than what's in your mind? >>> Mmmm ... what's left in my beer glass???? <<<These are only words, and truth is simply another word. A human fabricated word to try and put some kind of meaning on something we would like to establish and know for certain. >>> Yes, right ... love to be in court if you are ever cross examined. Would love to hear what a judge made of your explanation ... ;o) <<< One more thing. If you go through life worrying about truths, you will get no where. >>> Ah, so that's how Bush and Blair have got on so well in life ;o) <<< Be flexible, the world is flexible. But in the end, what is in front of your eyes really is the truth. You may not see it all, you may not understand it all, but what you see cannot be anything else but the truth. >>> Debatable? What if you take a photo (digital or conventional) then when the "prints" come back / pop on your PC screen the picture is quite different from how you remembered it ... which was right (true) then? bOb Jim Davis Nature Photography http://www.kjsl.com/~jbdavis/