I used this diffusion tent design in a product photography class. One set works for items up to the size of a bread box. Dozens of arrangements and configurations can be worked out with sets of these rigs. It works great clamped to a table. It can also be used vertically (poles not bent). Super size it by joining pairs of the flag poles end-to end.
Drawing: http://www.panoramacamera.us/lightbox.jpg
Materials: Bicycle safety flag poles (inexpensive, fiberglass, whip-like material) 1 x 2 x 36 in.(approx.) wood strips Nylon or rayon cloth seamed and sized as required. C-clamps or spring clamps as needed.
The size and configuration is based on the length of the bicycle flag polls available (5-6 ft.). They are bent in a semi-circle and fit into holes drilled through the ends of the two sticks. The cloth is seamed to accept the flag poles. Two pieces are used to give more flexibility in arrangement. The cloth is slid over the hoops in various positions as required.
Build a Lookaround! The Lookaround Book, 2nd ed. http://www.panoramacamera.us