"Beach Tree", Fred van Sand -- A majestic lone tree on a precipitous rocky outcrop over a seascacape. Like Gregory Stempel's or the many "Lone Pine" type of pictures, this is a subject that always seems to draw photographers to it. This one is dark and brooding, with a large silhouetted section of rock and tree, though thanks to the spray of the breaking wave, we have a good outline to anchor the eye. I have one of those Lite Touches, but mine has a 28mm. If there's one with a 24mm, I want one. -------------------------- "Couple", by Pini Vollach -- A field-color image of electrical junction boxes adjacent to each other, both next to an aqua tube, lamp post or conduit (?).. Identity, life, proximity, and connections come to mind. Intriguing color. ---------------------------------------------- "Speak-Hear-See, self-portrait", by Bruce Weitzman -- A parable on senses, sensing and sensors....better than most experimental images that simply illuminate the technique. ---------------------------------- "Do I trust my eyes or my brain", by Stephen Ylvisaker -- Um, I'd prepare for a tight right-hander. Thanks to all for allowing us the privilege of seeing your pictures. --- Luis