Emily L. Ferguson - Rattlesnake grass Nice, harmonious image, well balanced. Good colors, but maybe a bit overexposed. Very good composition; the straight vertical straws and the curved movement of the ... things (...now where is my dictionary!) even including the out-of-focus ones at the top.
They're called spikelets in the trade...
They're about 3/4 inch long. I think I had my 6T magnifying filter on the long zoom, but it was so long ago (about a month now) that I can't quite remember.
Glad you liked them.
Briza maxima -- Emily L. Ferguson elf@cape.com 508-563-6822 New England landscapes, wooden boats and races, press photography Beetle cats on the web at: http://www.vsu.cape.com/~elf http://www.beetlecat.org/store.html#yrbook