Hidden Meanings

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Distinguished Forumeers,

Joseph brought up an interesting point when he said, "Stella's 'What you see
is what you get' applies here; no need to look for hidden

Is this really possible?

What I mean is that we all bring different backgrounds into this
art/craft/discipline known as photography. What we like and dislike stems
from an amalgamation of all we have been taught and experienced in life. Our
perceptions of beauty and even reality are not all the same. What we choose
to photograph, what we choose to include and to exclude, and how we choose
to post-process an image all relate to our developed sense of harmony.

So . . . can we ever really produce a work that is devoid of hidden meaning,
either conscious or subconscious?

I eagerly await the thoughts of the Great Minds of the Forum.

peace and pixels,


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