Poor man's copyright is an urban myth. US law provides that
copyright is inherent in the work at the moment of creation. US
registration of copyright extends serious protection to the holder.
The Berne convention extends some protection to all citizens of
countries that are signators.
The object of the game is to find out what protection your government
provides if you do whatever procedure it offers. If you deem that
protection worth the money, and $30 ain't much for protection of as
many unpublished images as you have around and wish to submit in a
batch, then register them. But this is a US thing, not Canadian, and
the original enquiry was from Canada.
Once you've done everything you can to protect your property, then
the Digital Millenium Copyright Act gives ways to enforce some of
But this is all US. The enqiry is from a Canadian about a Turkish
site. Probably time for a lawyer.
Emily L. Ferguson
elf@cape.com 508-563-6822
New England landscapes, wooden boats and races, press photography
Beetle cats on the web at: