Many years ago I came across a photo in a photo magazine that has stuck in my mind but I can't recall who shot it. It was an array of smaller photos taken of 4 sisters shot every year for "the record". There were maybe 40 photos within this picture. The sisters were always in the same order in the lineup and in the same lighting environment and were sorted by the earliest to the latest. It was a cool idea and I wish now I would have saved it. One could see the 4 sisters age gracefully, with changes to wardrobe and clothing as they matured. I know a close friend with 5 daughters that I would like to possibly attempt this on, but I would really like to find the photo again. Does this ring a bell with anyone? Even the name of the photographer would get me started. By the way, this reminds me a bit of the Alan Alda - Ellen Burstyn flick, Same Time Next Year. Thanks in advance. Bill