well it is kinda late to review the "flower" pic,but not late enough....
FLOWER ---------------
so what do i think of that?
i kinda like it...i feel the positioning of the legs leads right to the
"sensitive" body area. could it be that this is what your fellow photo
workshop members did not like?
i aslo found the shadow on the front of the flower a bit too much, there
shoould heve been some fill in or photoshopping.
but i was fascinated by the left hand small digit nail!
i makes me picture the girl like a young tender lady. this is quite
contrasty to the "thoughts" that one may form seeing the dark area in the
now i might go as far as calling that nail a R.Barts' punctum element , much
to the distress of some list memebers.
THE TREE ----------------
1st element is that the colors are bit different than expected...we are used
to seeing golden light yellow grass, and a dark polarized saturated blue
sky....this image effectively reverses the tones.
i have mixed feelings concerning the upsloaping ground...
i think it may not follow the proper composition directives, but sure as
hell contrasts the tree's wind forming (tilt)
was this tilting permanent?
anyway it seems the tree is labouring hard to opose tummbling down the
sloap. good element it adds character to a still photo element.
hmmmmmmmmmm that was all i had to say....
looking back to your submissions seems like you do have good & light colors
in them....
enjoy, kostas
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