There have been some interesting contributions to the discussion on
the site. Jim Romanesko (sp) runs a forum of,
I suspect, mostly word people and they've discussed it during the
last couple of days. More interesting on that site is the extensive
running discussion about the state of the relationship between the
Shrub's administration and the White House reporter pool, as well as
the discussion of the situation between the Shrub's military pool
controls "embedding policy" and the reporters and shooters being sent
to cover this "war".
Among other things the US military has unmistakably and as a matter
of policy committed itself to dropping bombs on any unauthorized
uplink it discovers. From the point of view of a freelance
journalist hoping to cover this war without either Iraqi or US
"minders" this means they can't transmit their material without being
murdered by us.
Sites pertaining to that are: