I find the HP printers do a fine job up to 8x10 using just black ink for proofs at least. So my guess is that Epson's will do fine.
At 11:20 AM 3/1/03 -0500, you wrote:
Hi Gang......... We have talked a lot about color digital photos fading and all that good stuff................. I do mostly B&W publicity type photos I have been getting some very good prints >from my Epson 820 printer. Does one have to take the same precautions of displaying B&W digital photos as they do color? I am very much figuring on buying a used Olympus E10 as almost all of my work is 8x10's, this seems to be a fine choice for my sort of work, (Theatrical Publicity Head Shots) Thanks Russ I sing choruses in public....... Binghamton, NY USA www.summersavoyards.org
Pablo Coronel Ph.D. Candidate Food Science Department North Carolina State University Room 39 Schaub Hall, Box 7624 Raleigh, NC, 27695 Phone (919) 515-4410 Fax (919) 515-7124 e-Fax (419) 818-7590 e-mail pcorone@unity.ncsu.edu http://www4.ncsu.edu/~pcorone