At 11:39 PM 2/12/2003 +0100, you wrote:
If someone's only digital experience is with point and shoots with no real apertures, I can see where this comes from. But many point and shoots have real physical apertures. All Pro dSLR's have apertures since thats a function of lens.I have already posted one yesterday evening, but he choose to ignore it.. It was made with a D60, shot at 105mm F4.5 and the flowers were very near of the background : how is that for infinite DOF ?
However, about with a 1.5 or 1.6x factor camera, for two photographers from the same spot photographing the same subject, the digital photographer will have about 2 stops more DOF than the film shooter will have. This is because if your 35mm and my D1H are in the same location, and your using a 50mm lens, I'm using a 35mm lens to get the same photo. The 35mm lens I use will have more DOF than the 50mm lens you use.
Rob Miracle
Photographic Miracles
203 Carpenter Brook Dr.
Cary, NC 27519