the gallery.....

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Christiane Roh (Morat, July 2002) 

lovely color palette.
textural too.
interesting how the box balances the man, clock, shadow.
i find myself trying to figure out what he's doing...(counting cracks? on his 
and overlooking the scenery...which obviously is commonplace for him.

Kostas Papakotas (tuning before the "MILKMAN)

i like this.
sweaty, hot, under light.
performing for self, before performing for others.
i wonder if i'm not seeing the best "print"'s really muddy here.
but i certainly like the moment

Don Roberts (Music Ain't Everything)

just makes me laugh.
men are men.  (*no sexist remarks intended*)
and so is lime green.

David Small 

what i like is the yin yang.
(poor comparison, but it was came to mind)
obviously, light, dark
covered, uncovered
flat footed, high heeled
holding, held
the hop-scotch feel.....
AND - the run in her hose ;-)

Michael Weiser (San Miguel de Allende, Mexico) 
love the type of lighting
wish it had been a bit softer
and i wish i could see her expression closer.

Jeff Spirer (Door to Perceptions) 
enter exit
half full half empty
wind blows doors open
love the toning, texture, mood
the past/the present/the future

Karen Habbestad (winter)
thanks all who have commented ;-)

Brian van den Broek (Vespa, Padua) 

sharp and molten
vibrant for sure. i'm not keen on the white.

Louis C. Smith

dig it.
it's as if i'm watching glass being "poured" (if it is poured)
anyway....i feel as if i'm watching the creation.
i also like the interplay of the oval, round, cylindrical shapes.

Marilyn Dalrymple (Bicycle Wheel)
i like the idea.
the idea is about all i can's too small :(
well...comp wise i think there maybe some unwanted tension on the right 
but i'm not sure Marilyn...
oooo.....maybe a bicycle wheel for Barbie.....fallen down....

Roland Idaczyk (Toby and his friend)

makes me laugh ;-)
unfortunately on my monitor it's not sharp.....and hard for me to discern 
i like the placements w/in the frame.

King/Arthur (Baby/Lamb)

i sure like the idea.
softness definitely goes with babies and lambs.
unfortunately for me, it's just too soft.

i did it.

thanks for the opportunity ;-)

--karen h.

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