OK, before you all take me apart ...
I noticed that, if you shrink your browser window
to less that 300 pixels in width, then the table shrinks with it and the lines
wrap automatically as required. To ensure that the table will preserve the
intended width, the table width will have to be set in the <TABLE> tag,
<TABLE WIDTH = "300">
Sorry for the earlier omission.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, January 22, 2003 8:51
Subject: Re: need HTML guru for small
You can declare this, BUT ...
The table cell will extend
in width to the widest word and from there on the behaviour will vary with
the browser:
Limiting the width to 1 pixel will result in: * IE5.5
will display exactly one word per line. * Netscape 6.2 will fit as many
words into one line as possible, but only within the space given by the
length of the longest word. * Opera 6.0 is same as Netscape 6.2.
have attached a small HTML file, which you may want to throw at
your favourite browser. ;-)
Assuming that you want to achieve a well
defined layout, I wouldn't expect you to do something like
Have phun! Roland
----- Original Message ----- From:
"Robert G. Earnest" <robert@earnestphoto.com> To: "List for
Photo/Imaging Educators - Professionals -
Students" <photoforum@listserver.isc.rit.edu> Sent: Wednesday,
January 22, 2003 7:14 PM Subject: Re: need HTML guru for small
> > > Can I limit the width of the text to 1
pixel? > > > r > > > > >
Orlando - Wellington/NZ wrote: > > > > > > >
If you want to limit the width of that text block, you may want to
place it > > inside a cell in a centered table, > > where
you define the desired width in pixels as the width of the
cell, e.g. > > > > <CENTER> > >
<TABLE> > > <TR> > > <TD WIDTH =
"300"> > > text ... > > </TD> > >
</TR> > > </TABLE> > > </CENTER> >
> > > > >