Re: Pricing..........

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Greetings Emily,

The post is not regarding a typical executive
location shooting board portraits, or even
senior portraits.

It is an answer to Russ, his specific clientele
shot in studio and processed on-site,
all in which I have exact experience.

Re-read my post and you will see my 'value'
of the shooting session Russ inquired
of is 150.00.

Artists and musicians are not difficult
to shoot for those of us who do this
on a regular basis.
If I cannot get the shot in the first 10
minutes-well then, I am having a really bad day!

We photographers
get "known" is those circles and do have
a parade of people coming to us at certain
'seasons' of the business.
Return business
is almost guaranteed with this type
of client.

-Bobbie Blazy  : )

"""Bobbie, I really think that's way too low.  An hour of your time
including scouting and planning?  For only $50?  How in heaven's name
do you think you could cover your cost of doing business with such a
low fee?!

It's not like he's going to have a parade of portrait customers
coming through his studio, bang, bang, bang.  This seems to me to be
rather more effort than that.  If he's going for the most appealing
facial expression, that's 30 minutes under the lights right there.
Then there's setting up, and warming up the client, and breaking down
and loading up the car and unloading and paperwork and running to and
back from the lab twice and meeting with the client to review the
shoot and getting and delivering the print order.  Sure, some of that
last part comes out of the print price, but still it...""""

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