Esteemed members of the PhotoForum list, The results of the voting related to identifying authors of photographs based on their personal style has reached a conclusion and they indicate the following: The photographs that were identified properly the most times were those of: Small, Spirer and Dalrymple (5 votes each) ... followed closely by Pashine and jHarris (4 votes apiece), then RMason and Hayes (3 votes), Roh, Miracle and Chen (with 2 votes) and with 1 vote each were: Vissak, Fraser, RBaker and Davidhazy. Several authors apparently could not be identified by a clear "style" as they received no correct votes at all!! :) Further, the person who identified most photographs correctly in terms of who made them, the winner by a 100% margin, was Greg Fraser with 10 correct identifications out of 20. He was followed by Achal Pashine, Marilyn Dalrymple and Alan Hayes with 5 correct identifications and by Rob Miracle with 3, Jeff Spirer with 2 and Pam Baker with 1. You can see the tally sheet at the following website: while the exhibition itself is located at: The photographs still appear only in numerical order but if there is significant interest in seeing the names of the authors along with their photos that could be done later. The authors on the tally sheet are currently arranged in the same numerical order from top to bottom of the list as the photographs. Happy weekend! The PF Exhibits Staff