I couldn't find the original post lamenting the fact that Photoshop won't handle 16 bit images, but here is help. You CAN make selections and masks and work with these images! To work magic in Photoshop using 48 bit images go here: http://www.computer-darkroom.co.uk/ look under 'Photoshop Tutorials' 'editing 16 bit images'. For selective Photoshop masking that works for unsharpening your image better, go here: http://digitaldog.net/tips.html look for the PDF file called "Selective Sharpening using an image mask" This one also works for selective blurring and any other selective tasks that are much easier than any picker selecting, color range selecting, or manual mask painting. Bookmark these sites and read them cover to cover. "take every day as a gift, never get angry at the idiotic mass of humanity, delight in the craftsmanship of BMW and nature" Jim Davis, 2002