>I have had an article published on the Field Camera I have recently >completed building. [I wanted to reserve my comments until I actually read Don's article] Don Feinberg has fulfilled a dream most of us have dreamt at least once: To build one's own camera. From the illustrations in the View Camera magazine, it is a beautiful custom camera that any of us would be proud to own, let alone build. Don knew what he wanted, and incorporated these features into his design. In his article, he reports on the difficulties and costs of doing such a thing, both of which are considerable. More interesting is the account of his own personal journey into this project; how such a venture dos not only result in raw materials being transformed into a camera; but how the process changed him. That was the part I enjoyed reading the most. Congratulations, Don, and thank you for a well-written and illustrated article -- and sharing a realized dream. Thank you, --- Luis