Re: Gallery Ramblings

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Gregory Fraser wrote:
> Here are my self indulgent ramblings concerning this weeks images at the PF gallery found at
> Elson T. Elizaga (Teapots) - Nicely lit product shot although compositionally I would prefer it without the black pot at the left but then again I like the reflection of the flame on that pot so if you could get that reflection on one of the other pots that would be great. But then again the reflection is at least in part due to it being in shadow and the other pots aren't casting strong shadows. Actually I really like the relationship of the spouts of the other three pots. Hey, I did say I was rambling.

But, Greg, you missed all the important stuff.

How did he get that beautifully subtle gradation from white to pale
green without the contamination of an additional colored light source?

How did he get such soft light out of an SB-26?

How did he get it to sync off the hot shoe?

Wouldn't a harder light define the texture of the pots a little better?

How did he manage to get the candle flames so perfectly exposed?

Why is it so unusually composed? Was type to be part of the final composition?

Why has the little teapot turned so suddenly? Were they just marching
merrily along together when it spotted imminent danger?

What evil lurks in the mind of this photographer?


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