Le 23.7.2002 8:00, « Bob Talbot » <BobTalbot@st-abbs.fsnet.co.uk> a écrit : > > Astrid already has a shot on there ... I think she comes under you > definition of "wimmin". Yeah.. Astrid was a forerunner in the selfportrait gallery and I decided to follow her tracks and fight a little place for women in that male dominated company. BTW Bob, speaking of selfportrait, if I was your wife and came to discover about what kind of encounters you make while drinking a beer, be it during office time or out of office time, I'd get terribly upset ;-) Christiane PS for Karl : for some unknown reason, I thought that you were the guy who handed the Vagabond camera to Andrew down there in Australia and that you had been immortalized on the older Vagabond site : http://www.st-abbs.fsnet.co.uk/vagabond/images/fildes1-r.jpg A closer reading, some time later, showed it wasn't you. But that image of a large man with a grey beard has stuck with all your mails since. Nevertheless, I'm glad to see that you are already famous down under and that your statue has been moulded/carved :-)) This, in contradiction with what some have written to this list, proves definitively their error : it is not true that the only good photographer is a dead photographer! thanks soo much for the demonstration !! -- Christiane