Re: American Masters Stamps

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Karl spake:
<< we've been using them for years in Oz.. Long after the letter has 
decomposed in the letter box,the stamps remain >>

That's good to hear, but I was wondering about the sheets of Masters of 
American Photography stamps being produced by the USPS.  I recently came 
across letters my father had written to his sister during WWII and the stamps 
are as good as the day they were cancelled.

I don't doubt that the stamps (in sheets with adhesive backing) will last 
when affixed to a letter, but will they separate from their backing when, for 
example, they are framed and stored vertically?  The gummed variety of stamps 
didn't have the issue of backing material to be concerned with--just 
cockroaches and other bugs being attracted to the glue.

Should they be given the same archival considerations as a photograph, or are 
there other issues to be concerned with?


Rich Mason
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