Re:flash/abient balance

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Well, it is really easy. First read the exposure of ambient light for the background.
Second read the exposure for the figures.

Set the diafragman of your camera at the value of background.

If the difference is 1 stop, set the flash to the same value than the figures. (figure: f:2.8, background: f:4, adjust your flash to produce an f:1.8)

If difference is 2 stops set the flash to 1.5 stops over the figure (figure 2.8, background 5.6, set your flash to 4.5)

If the difference is 3 stops or greater set your flash to the background. Figure 2.8, background 8, set flash at 8.

You can read more about this and other filling light issues at my web:

_________________________________________________________  Gratuito, latino y en espaņol.

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