Hi, On Monday morning, the Leonardo camera will embark on its voyage around the US, Canada and to Israel to 17 participants. (A separate test camera will be going out from me to Andy at RIT to Yudit in Israel and back to me to check for potential X_ray corruption crossing borders. We'll report back on these tests later this summer). At this stage, unfortunately, Leonardo will just make it halfway around the planet before coming back home for processing and scanning, since there are no participants from the Asia/Pacific region to send it to and close the loop. Where is everybody from Australia, New-Zealand, Papua-New Guinea, or from Africa, Asia, Europe (west, central, east), Siberia, Mandchouria and the Americas - or anywhere else in the world? If you want to join the bandwagon, there is still some a little space on the camera __ but time is running short. You have 'till Sunday night to join in. After that, it'll be too late. Please contact me off list. Best, Guy Glorieux P.S. If you are a newcomer not familiar with the Pass the Camera project, you can find out all about it at http://myweb.tiscali.co.uk/photoforum/ptc/