Re: Members' exhibits on 01 JUN 02

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ADavidhazy <> writes:

> The PhotoForum member's gallery/exhibit space was updated JUN-01-02. Authors
> with work now on display at include:

Thanks as always to those keeping this going. I just read a comment by
Bob Talbot, and as he suggests, the gallery doesn't necessarily have the
best selection of things-I-might-want-on-my-wall, but it is usually full
of interest and things I remember.

>               David Small - intermission
Speaking of which, hmm, surely I've seen this in the gallery before? I
like the viewpoint, anyway: sort of a chair's photograph of a chair.

>               Dan Mitchell - Outwell

Ah, eat yer heart out, Constable! Look at that sky. Mind you, Constable
didn't have to paint wires, did he?

>               Jose Luis Vasconcellos - At Sao Francisco river, Brazil
I find it difficult to comment on portraits, though this one certainly
conveys an interesting character. (I'll give up here on portraits.)

>               Jim Snarski - The Red Umbrella

A nicely captured view: the roofs are wonderful, yet need that point of
focus you've provided. I think unfortunately the convoluted chain of
events from slide to screen has resulted in a general softness, which is
a pity.

>               John Lee - Fireside Chat

This puzzled me for some time, until I understood that it's a sculpture.
(I mean, what is that man *covered* in!??) I think the colour/texture is
very effective, though somehow it would be nice a bit bigger. Your web
site has the same general low-key look, which I find appealing after all
the superfluous "punchiness" of so many colour images.

>               Jeff Spirer - A Place to Sleep

I can't say I would want this on my wall, but I suppose I should see it
as part of a photoessay on a site of activity that is no more. Though it
doesn't say much to me, as always it seems, it says it rather well, so I
an sure I will remember the photo.

>               Greg Fraser - Playground

You must get some points for the best splash of colour this week. Not
sure that the elements in this come together, though, somehow.

>               Bob Talbot - Euston Station

Nicely done, even if it doesn't *look* like a station.

>               jIMMY Harris - Another Couple

Ha ha! Well, you captured the moment - though I fancy some of these
animals make the "moment" into a rather drawn out affair [ouch!]. I'm
not very enamoured of dark backgrounds: could you not do this without
flash [?] ?

>               Andrew Davidhazy - after Edgerton

Sorry, bedtime. Well shot, anyway.

(Apologies for not spending the time I should on this...)
Brian Chandler

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