> -----Original Message----- > From: Pinimage [mailto:pinimage@netvision.net.il] > Greg Fraser - I like your image too. This image deliver a > sense of desert - > dry area. When I saw your words I was thinking that the rain > you mentioned > relate to the opposite of this but after a minute I saw that > there are some > drops in the picture. > I probably wouldn't see it unless you mentioned it. So for > me the drops are > distracting points. > But the image and its composition is very attractive. > One more thing: you can crop a little from the right side, > the image is too > long. > Thanks for the comments Pini. In the orginal image the subject is very obviously very wet but downsizing and down sampling have removed most of the wet look. I spent a lot of time cropping this because I found it very difficult to balance. When I shortened it at the right like you suggested, the image became too symetrical for my tastes but by the same token I don't really like the one tendril ending in the upper right hand corner. I had to compromise because I didn't really frame the shot well enough. Greg Fraser http://www.geocities.com/fraserg1962