Le 4.5.2002 0:38, « colette » <cmm@elknet.net> a écrit : > Looks like the website is still lacking Raphael and Betsy. Any news on the > GOOD scan CD from Jan? It should be there by now, shouldn't it? > -- Christiane "L'art est fait pour troubler, la science rassure" (Georges Braque) Hi Colette, Alas, still nothing in my mailbox. Back on the 23th of April Jan wrote me " I mailed you two CDs to-day" but now, exactly ten days later, they have not yet shown up. The first CD arrived four days after he wrote he had mailed it. So I contacted him directly two or three days ago; he answered that the two CDS weren't sent on priority, because it would have cost him around 75$.. So they should still be traveling.. He told me to contact him again i= n one week if they were still missing and that he would then send another set= . That's all I can tell about it. Sorry that I don't have better news to announce. Christiane