Bayless Kirtley wrote:
Paul Taylor, 04.08.2009 15:48:
Thats a shame, I wanted to write junit test for a java program that
queried a database, requiring a full database to be available for
unit tests is not really an environment I want to have.
Well if you want to test the database, you will need a full database.
But you can easily setup and start a Postgres server through a batch
file/shell script. I have a small batch file that simply uses the
binary ZIP distribution to run initdb and create the initial
databases. We are using this to bundle Postgres e.g. with a Tomcat
web application.
You don't really need to run an installer and/or create registry
entries (for windows). This would then resemble more the Derby
network server setup.
Of course you can always use Derby for testing the Postgres later. I
have found HSQLDB to be closer to Postgres than Derby is. I do seem to
recall the Netbeans group recommends using sever mode during
development then switch to imbedded for distribution. I have done it
both ways with equal success and similar efforts.
Thanks I am trying to use Derby but fallen foul of Postgres array
datatype which Derby doesn't support, Ive just had a quick look at
HSQLDB and it doesn't appear to support it either.
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