Hi all,
I have a .NET application that uses PG as backend using Npgsql.
I have however a small problem when inserting images into the database.
All goes fine and my images gets uploaded correctly, however after
successful upload the system needs to send out email notifications to
users based on the type of image that was loaded, this also still work.
However the statement to then flag the notification row that it was send
fails. The log file indicates:
WARNING: nonstandard use of \\ in a string literal at character 39.
HINT: Use the escape string syntax for backslashes, e.g. E'\\'
I took the code directly from the help files for Npgsql. My question, how
do one use the E'\\' on a bytea column that is passed into a NpgsqlCommand
statement using NpgsqlParameter?
Johan Nel
Pretoria, South Africa.
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