System: MacOS XServer, 4GB RAM
PostgreSQL-8.1.9: the MCAT database 7.6GB big has 525 relations
Hi Martin
The current setting is:
max_fsm_pages = 200000 # min max_fsm_relations*16, 6 bytes each
max_fsm_relations = 2000 # min 100, ~70 bytes each
I reset it yesterday and bounced the postmaster, but value needed for
'max_fsm_pages' continues go grow, note result from vacuumdb on Apr 18 15:15
[arcsoft@dsan3 data]$ cat /tmp/dovacuumdb-pm.log
start vacuumdb -z MCAT
2009-04-18 15:00:00
NOTICE: number of page slots needed (270944) exceeds max_fsm_pages (200000)
HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_fsm_pages" to a value over 270944.
vacuumdb completed
2009-04-18 15:15:07
The activity on this database is almost exclusively INSERTS averaging
between 2500-3500 INSERTS daily. I am vacuuming twice a day at 9AM and
again at 3PM, and the number of page_slots needed increase with each
The postmaster contains two other active databases:
JBoss db (mostly message queues) 1.5GB, 208 relations
dsmixed 82 MB 214 relations
The last vacuumdb log for Jboss also showed max_fsm_pages was exceeded:
[arcsoft@dsan3 data]$ cat /tmp/dovacuumdb_jboss.log
start vacuumdb -z jboss
2009-04-18 11:45:00
NOTICE: number of page slots needed (271856) exceeds max_fsm_pages (200000)
HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_fsm_pages" to a value over 271856.
vacuumdb completed
2009-04-18 11:45:35
But the vacuumdb log for 'dsmixed' was ok.
What type of statistics do I need to collect to set these two parameters
to a level I do not have to bounce the postmaster daily? Or is it
safe to just double the max_fsm_page value to 500000 or possibly 1000000?
Martin Gainty wrote:
Good Morning Irene
could you verify the requirement to set
max_fsm_pages (integer) to 16 times new value of 'max_fsm_relations'
Martin Gainty
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Date: Sat, 18 Apr 2009 03:23:49 -0700
From: ibarg@xxxxxxxx
To: pgsql-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: number of relations reported by vacuumdb -av
never mind....I found the answer in the The
answer is 'yes' I use the sum of relations from all of the databases. So
I have reset 'max_fsm_relations' from 1000 to 2000.
Irene Barg wrote:
I have a PostgreSQL installation with 8 databases (counting postgres,
template0, and template1). I run 'vacuumdb -z' daily on 3 of the largest
user databases. The vacuumdb logs show the 'max_fsm_pages' need to be
increased with almost each vacuum. So I did a 'vacuumdb -av' on all the
INFO: free space map contains 81016 pages in 100 relations
DETAIL: A total of 80000 page slots are in use (including overhead).
187792 page slots are required to track all free space.
Current limits are: 80000 page slots, 1000 relations, using 534 KB.
NOTICE: number of page slots needed (187792) exceeds max_fsm_pages
HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_fsm_pages"
to a value over 187792.
I have a couple questions.
1) I can increase 'max_fsm_pages' from 80K to 200K, but why does it keep
The main database sees on average 2500-5000 rows inserted per day, and
deletes are relatively small (although I don't have stats on deletes).
2) How is '100 relations' getting calculated?
If I connect to each one of my 8 db's and do:
select count(*) from pg_class;
The total number of relations is 1725. So shouldn't I increase
'max_fsm_relations' from 1000 to 1725?
Thank you in advance.
-- irene
Irene Barg Email: ibarg@xxxxxxxx
950 N. Cherry Ave. Voice: 520-318-8273
Tucson, AZ 85726 USA FAX: 520-318-8360
Irene Barg Email: ibarg@xxxxxxxx
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Irene Barg Email: ibarg@xxxxxxxx
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