I just ran across one of the strangest pieces I have ever seen in a piece of software..
I was connected remotely to a test machine set up at a customer's site. The machine is running Windows XP and PostgreSQL 8.1. PGAdmin has a connection to the customer's production database, which resides on another machine. The database has a simple 3-column table that I thought has 22 million records, until last week when I found that a backup of the table showed that it actually has no records. A member of this list introduced me to the concept of inherited tables. There are 2 rules on the feedback table. One says that if the charge number is less than 7000, then data should be inserted into the feedback_backup table and the other says that if if the charge number is greater than 7000, data should be inserted into the feedback_active table. The feedback_active table's definition includes "INHERIT (feedback)". The feedback_backup table does not have an INHERIT clause.
I was curious about how much data was in each of the other two tables. I opened an SQL window and issued "select count(charge) from feedback_backup". In a separate window I ussied "select count(charge) from feedback_active". The two queries were running simultaneously. I already knew that "select count(*) from feedback" takes about twenty minutes. I minimized my Remote Desktop window and moved on to other things.
Half an hour later I returned. Neither query had finished, and the query timer in both windows had not been updated. Task Manager showed me that every PGAdmin task was not responding. Using Task Manager, I killed PGAdmin.
At the time I first issued the count queries, a Windows Explorer window was up. It was showing the contents of a folder that had 4 filed: backup_feedback.bat, backup_in_pieces.bat, restore_pieces.bat and restore_feedback.bat. After I killed PGAdmin, the names of the files were shown to be:
Ln 1 Col 31
46250 ms
46360 ms
With some idea of showing you what happened, I pressed Alt-PrtSc to get a screenshot of the strange file names. On my machine, I started MS Word and pasted the contents of the clipboard into my document. The file names were correct! I tried using Ctrl-PrtSc on the remote machine, but the same thing happened when I pasted the image into my Word document: the file names were correct.
I closed the Windows Explorer window and reopened it. And the incorrect file names reappeared!
Can anybody explain this? Should this be brought to anyone else's attention, and if so, whose?