I am working on packaging postgres database in our java based application.I downloaded postgresql-8.2.12-1-binaries-no-installer.zip from the postgres site and installed it on a windows 2003 machine using administrator account.I later created a postgres service login account and changed the permissions on the postgres directory to include this user too.
When logged in as administrator , i tried starting the server using the following cmd:
pg_ctl.exe -U postgres -P <mypasswd> -w start -D D:\pgsql\data
However, i get the following error message:
waiting for server to start...FATAL: postgres: could not locate matching postgres executable
I also tried the starting the server using runas :
runas /user:postgres "pg_ctl.exe -wait start -D D:\pgsql\data"
The above too failed.Please let me know on what i am missing here.