Zagato wrote:
I have som SQL that in 8.0.3 do:
# SELECT '32 hours'::INTERVAL;
@ 1 day 8 hours
And in 8.3.5 do:
seg_veh2=# SELECT '@ 32 hours'::INTERVAL;
@ 32 hours
Why i unable to get my old style of interval, i really need to see the
day part.... im using datestyle german in both.... im try with "SET
IntervalStyle TO..." but i get this error:
Even IntervalStyle won't help you here; since recent releases consider
the values "1 day 8 hours" as distinct from "32 hours" (because
they are at certain times of the year in some timezones
where days are 25 hours, etc).
So.. how can i recover my "days" part...
If you tell it what time of year you are thinking of this trick can work:
dish=# set datestyle to german;
dish=# select '2001-01-01'::timestamp + (interval '32 hours') - '2001-01-01'::timestamp;
@ 1 day 8 hours
(1 row)
Any help it appreciate... thanks :D
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