Hi everyone... im looking for some help with the interval format between two diferents versions of postgres....
I have instaled in my old server postgres 8.0.3 and in my new one postgres 8.3.5...
Everything in both looks works nice but i notice a little difference that is taking my crazy..
I have som SQL that in 8.0.3 do:
# SELECT '32 hours'::INTERVAL;
@ 1 day 8 hours
(1 row)
And in 8.3.5 do:
seg_veh2=# SELECT '@ 32 hours'::INTERVAL;
@ 32 hours
(1 row)
i unable to get my old style of interval, i really need to see the day
part.... im using datestyle german in both.... im try with "SET
IntervalStyle TO..." but i get this error:
ERROR: unrecognized configuration parameter "intervalstyle"
looking throw the forums i get that this new param its just for postgres 8.4...
So.. how can i recover my "days" part...
Any help it appreciate... thanks :D
Alan Jairo Acosta
ruby << __EOF__
puts [ 111, 116, 97, 103, 97, 90 ].collect{|v| v.chr}.join.reverse