On Thu, Sep 11, 2008 at 3:19 PM, Markova, Nina <nmarkova@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Is there a psql or other command that I can use to list tables and their
rows? All I found is this:
select tablename,reltuples from pg_class inner join pg_tables on
tablename=relname where tablename !~* 'pg_*' and tablename !~*
Remember that the reltuples count is an *estimate* and won't be 100%
an accurate- only a count(*) will get you that.
And it may not be accurate at all unless you or autovacuum has done a
recent ANALYZE ... Also keep in mind that in PostgreSQL, a count(*)
will actually do a table scan, and could be time (and I/O) consuming if
you are looking at a large table.